Friday, August 6, 2010

Your Career is In the Cards (of Destiny)

Author: lisa osborne

A simple deck of playing cards can reveal fascinating secrets about you, your career and your colleagues, according to Lisa Osborne, a popular radio host who began studying the science of Destiny Cards as a lark, but has now made it into a successful vocation. "Using this ancient system based on the deck of 52 playing cards, you can unlock the personality profile of any person just by knowing the day and month they were born," she says. Horoscopes are so old school!

When Osborne's not a working as radio newscaster in Los Angeles or a deejay playing classic hits on a national radio network, she's busy recording syndicated daily Destiny Card features, in both English (Goddess of Destiny) and Spanish (Diosa del Destino)

"In business this can be a powerful tool for relationship building and career selection," Osborne says. "Celebrities make particularly interesting case studies because, over the years, I've noted that 99% of the time, the card profiles are spot on."

"For example, Donald Trump is a three of diamonds. Three is the number of 'creativity' and the suit of diamonds symbolizes money or values. You have to admit that many of the real estate deals Trump has done over the years are the epitome of creative financing!"

Osborne explains that each card in the deck has positive and negative qualities, and it's interesting to note that Trump's three of diamonds has one of the more challenging life paths. But many famous people share this card, including Conan O'Brien, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson and Drew Barrymore.

The Queen of Diamonds is another card whose bearers face more obstacles than average, yet in spite of that, or maybe because of it, some of the world's most powerful people share this card, including Rupert Murdoch, Hugh Hefner and Tom Cruise. Other notable diamonds in business include: Steve Jobs, Steve Wynn, Carly Fiorino, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg (who founded Facebook), and Michael Dell.

Also, the chief executive of Ford Motor Company, Alan Mulally, and Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay and now candidate for California Governor, share the same birthday, August 4th, making them each Nine of Diamonds.

What do Barack Obama and George W. Bush have in common? Aside from being President of the United States, each of these men are the Nine of Diamonds. You may say, "These men couldn't be more different!" But nines are on the planet to be 'givers,' and the Nine who is not willing to give will be miserable.

"First Lady Michelle Obama and homemaking maven Martha Stewart are each 10 of diamonds, a card that is comfortable in both big business and the spotlight. The person who is a '10' of any suit is confident, experienced and capable of doing things in a big way," Osborne adds.

Madonna and Nancy Pelosi are 10 of Clubs, another card that loves to be noticed. This 10 is the card of the teacher, and don't count on a female 10 of clubs to be traditional in any way.

Clubs is the suit of the thinker and dreamer. Oprah Winfrey and Mark Burnett are each the Jack of Clubs. This card is mentally brilliant, with an excellent memory. They are independent and don't have a strong need to fit in with the traditions of society. Many, such as Oprah, choose not to marry.

As insightful as this Destiny Cards system is as a tool to learn about others, it's even more powerful to use the system to identify your own talents and abilities. Knowing about your card can help you in choosing a career path, or capitalizing on your professional strengths and minimizing your weaknesses, according to Osborne.

For instance, the person who is a 'heart' is happiest being in relationships or working with people. The 'club' is curious with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Diamonds are the 'grown ups' of the deck, so don't try to tell them what to do! And, Spades are do-ers. Getting the job done is the most important goal of a spade

Radio talk show hosts Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh might seem on opposite ends of the spectrum, but each have amassed huge audiences because they put a voice to what is on the minds of the public. That's a trait of the Two of Spades, which both hosts share, since they share the same birthday. Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck is also a two of spades.

By now, you might be wondering what YOUR card is. To discover your card, just find your birthday on the chart below. Then read the explanations of your card's suit and number.

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