Friday, August 6, 2010

Numbers (destiny)

The 'odd' (active) numbers represent a person who is restless, on the go, and thrives on change.

The 'even' (receptive) numbers are balanced and logical, attracting things and people to them.

Ace (One) is ambitious, active and driven. You are a self-starter who is excited to experience all that life has to offer. As a 'one,' you may sometimes appear self-centered.

Two is sensitive, logical and comfortable in partnerships because you enjoy having someone to talk to, or bounce ideas off of. Avoid being insincere or becoming too dependent on the opinions of others.

Three is curious, restless and enjoys trying new things. You are extremely creative, so channel your gifts in a positive way to avoid worry and indecision.

Four is fortunate, organized and efficient. You are a hard-worker and good at bringing people and plans together. Avoid stubbornness or being small-minded.

Five is adventurous, restless, and hates routine or anything that limits your freedom. As a 'people person,' you are comfortable around all kinds of personalities. Learn to commit.

Six is easygoing, peaceful, and fair. You prefer to avoid confrontation, but won't hesitate to stand up for what you believe in. Avoid stubbornness or falling into a rut.

Seven is the most mystical of all numbers. You have a mental sharpness that, when combined with your intuition (hunches), will serve you well. Have faith that you are being guided. Avoid being indifferent or skeptical.

Eight is the number of power and abundance. You enjoy attention and have special talents in the area of your suit (hearts – charm; clubs – knowledge; diamonds – leadership; spades – wisdom). Avoid power struggles.

Nine is intelligent and happiest when you give and are willing to let go. Beware of being too overbearing, stingy or bullying.

Ten is ambitious, capable and confident. You like to do things in a big way and may be obsessive or take on too much responsibility.

Your Career is In the Cards (of Destiny)

Author: lisa osborne

A simple deck of playing cards can reveal fascinating secrets about you, your career and your colleagues, according to Lisa Osborne, a popular radio host who began studying the science of Destiny Cards as a lark, but has now made it into a successful vocation. "Using this ancient system based on the deck of 52 playing cards, you can unlock the personality profile of any person just by knowing the day and month they were born," she says. Horoscopes are so old school!

When Osborne's not a working as radio newscaster in Los Angeles or a deejay playing classic hits on a national radio network, she's busy recording syndicated daily Destiny Card features, in both English (Goddess of Destiny) and Spanish (Diosa del Destino)

"In business this can be a powerful tool for relationship building and career selection," Osborne says. "Celebrities make particularly interesting case studies because, over the years, I've noted that 99% of the time, the card profiles are spot on."

"For example, Donald Trump is a three of diamonds. Three is the number of 'creativity' and the suit of diamonds symbolizes money or values. You have to admit that many of the real estate deals Trump has done over the years are the epitome of creative financing!"

Osborne explains that each card in the deck has positive and negative qualities, and it's interesting to note that Trump's three of diamonds has one of the more challenging life paths. But many famous people share this card, including Conan O'Brien, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson and Drew Barrymore.

The Queen of Diamonds is another card whose bearers face more obstacles than average, yet in spite of that, or maybe because of it, some of the world's most powerful people share this card, including Rupert Murdoch, Hugh Hefner and Tom Cruise. Other notable diamonds in business include: Steve Jobs, Steve Wynn, Carly Fiorino, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg (who founded Facebook), and Michael Dell.

Also, the chief executive of Ford Motor Company, Alan Mulally, and Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay and now candidate for California Governor, share the same birthday, August 4th, making them each Nine of Diamonds.

What do Barack Obama and George W. Bush have in common? Aside from being President of the United States, each of these men are the Nine of Diamonds. You may say, "These men couldn't be more different!" But nines are on the planet to be 'givers,' and the Nine who is not willing to give will be miserable.

"First Lady Michelle Obama and homemaking maven Martha Stewart are each 10 of diamonds, a card that is comfortable in both big business and the spotlight. The person who is a '10' of any suit is confident, experienced and capable of doing things in a big way," Osborne adds.

Madonna and Nancy Pelosi are 10 of Clubs, another card that loves to be noticed. This 10 is the card of the teacher, and don't count on a female 10 of clubs to be traditional in any way.

Clubs is the suit of the thinker and dreamer. Oprah Winfrey and Mark Burnett are each the Jack of Clubs. This card is mentally brilliant, with an excellent memory. They are independent and don't have a strong need to fit in with the traditions of society. Many, such as Oprah, choose not to marry.

As insightful as this Destiny Cards system is as a tool to learn about others, it's even more powerful to use the system to identify your own talents and abilities. Knowing about your card can help you in choosing a career path, or capitalizing on your professional strengths and minimizing your weaknesses, according to Osborne.

For instance, the person who is a 'heart' is happiest being in relationships or working with people. The 'club' is curious with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Diamonds are the 'grown ups' of the deck, so don't try to tell them what to do! And, Spades are do-ers. Getting the job done is the most important goal of a spade

Radio talk show hosts Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh might seem on opposite ends of the spectrum, but each have amassed huge audiences because they put a voice to what is on the minds of the public. That's a trait of the Two of Spades, which both hosts share, since they share the same birthday. Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck is also a two of spades.

By now, you might be wondering what YOUR card is. To discover your card, just find your birthday on the chart below. Then read the explanations of your card's suit and number.

Destiny and Philosophy

In daily language destiny and fate are synonymous, but with regards to 20th century philosophy the words gained inherently different meanings.

For Arthur Schopenhauer destiny was just a manifestation of the Will to Live. Will to Live is for him the main aspect of the living. The animal cannot be aware of the Will, but men can at least see life through its perspective, though it is the primary and basic desire. But this fact is a pure irrationality and then, for Schopenhauer, human desire is equally futile, illogical, directionless, and, by extension, so is all human action. Therefore, the Will to Live can be at the same time living fate and choice of overrunning the fate same, by means of the Art, of the Morality and of the Ascesis.

For Nietzsche destiny keeps the form of Amor fati (Love of Fate) through the important element of Nietzsche's philosophy named "will to power" (der Wille zur Macht), basis of human behavior, influenced by the Will to Live of Schopenhauer. But this concept may have even other senses, although he, in various places, saw the Will to power as a strong element for adaptation or survival in a better way.[4] In its later forms Nietzsche's concept of the will to power applies to all living things, suggesting that adaptation and the struggle to survive is a secondary drive in the evolution of animals, less important than the desire to expand one’s power. Nietzsche eventually took this concept further still, and transformed the idea of matter as centers of force into matter as centers of will to power as mankind’s destiny to face with amor fati.

The expression Amor fati is used repeatedly by Nietzsche as acceptation-choice of the fate, but in such way it becomes even another thing, precisely a “choice” destiny. We find that in § 276 of

The Gay Science, where he wrote:
I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

Quote from "Why I Am So Clever" in Ecce Homo, section 10:
My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendaciousness in the face of what is necessary—but love it.

Was My Life Planned Before I Was Born

Author: Linda C Dipman

I was less than two years old when I walked right out of our Naval issued housing apartment and right into the
deep end of the pool that was close to our home. My head plunged under the water and I gasped for air while
pleading for help. I could see several people watching my desperate splashing and head bobbing. Within minutes I
was pulled out and my mother was at my side to take me home.

Years later my mother recounted the story and how she handled my toddler experience. She had turned her
back just for a moment and I was gone. Immediately she called her friends and they organized a search only to find
me safely in the arms of a lifeguard. Her fear of losing me was so great that she said she spanked me all the way
home. I didn't remember any of the spanking, but the near drowning was seared into my brain as one of my earliest

Why did I survive a near drowning while other children died from the very same experience? Did I have a
destiny that demanded that I be saved? Was my life planned out before I was ever born by a supernatural all
knowing God?

Isaiah 49: 1&2, "Listen to me, distant nations, you people who live far away! Before I was born, the Lord chose
me and appointed me to be his servant. He made my words as sharp as a sword. With his own hand he protected
me. He made me like an arrow, sharp and ready for use."

Isaiah mentions several times in his writings about being planned before he was born. He opens up a concept of
life that has been hidden in our present day world. He lifts a veil of remembrance that covers the minds of most
people to the truth that there lives have a spiritual appointed purpose that goes beyond human comprehension.

Did we volunteer for the experiences we would face on earth? Did God put us in pivotal positions in order to
accomplish His will? Do I have a responsibility I must fulfill before I can exit this world and find rest in the perfection
of Heaven?

Isaiah 49: 5&6, "Before I was born, the Lord appointed me; he made me his servant to bring back his people, to
bring back the scattered people of Israel. The Lord gives me honor; he is the source of my strength. The Lord
said to me, 'I have a greater task for you, my servant. Not only will you restore to greatness the people of Israel
who have survived, but I will also make you a light to the nations- so that all the world may be saved."

Many theologians look at the above scriptures as having a two fold message. One is referring to Israel being
destined to tell the world how to follow God through the obedience of the Laws of Moses. The last and greatest
belief for Christians is that these verses refer to the ministry of Jesus Christ and how He brought in the saving
power of grace and provided us with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ's ministry changed everything. He removed the veils of forgetfulness that kept us from
understanding our purpose. He gave us the Holy Spirit as our inner guide. With the supernatural power of the
Spirit we don't need anyone to teach us God's will. The Spirit teaches us on the inside and leads us down the
paths that we were appointed to go on before we were ever born.

Ephesians 1:11, "All things are done according to God's plan and decision; and God chose us to be his own
people in union with Christ because of his own purpose, based on what he had decided from the very beginning."

If our lives have a purpose planned before we were born then we should look at our lives differently. We should
separate ourselves from how the world tells us we are suppose to live. Instead we should grab a hold of the
teachings of God and apply them to our everyday lives. We need to be instruments for God, not for Satan. We
need to love and not hate. We need to do good, not evil.

Ephesians 1:3-5, "Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with
Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. Even before the world was
made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without
fault before him.
Because of His love God had already decided that through Jesus Christ, He would make us His sons, this was
His pleasure and purpose."

We were planned before the world was even formed. A plan that has a purpose to change us through the
experiences we face in the world.

When I look back over my life I see God working out His plan in me, I see how my life changed for good through
what I suffered in the world. I saw how a light of understanding removed the veil of forgetfulness that kept me from
knowing God's plan before I ever entered into the world.

Because we come as children we are in a weakened state of intellect that makes us unable to remember God's
purpose for our lives. It is only through increments of time that we see our paths. The first plan is understanding
our need for the saving power of Jesus Christ. This happens when we survive, while others do not, a life
threatening disease, natural disaster, war, famine, plague, accident or any number of things that happen to people.
The second plan is when we realize how much we need the saving power of Jesus Christ to free us from being
pulled down by sin.

Satan is the god of this world and as a result he has blinded our eyes to what is good and bad. He tells us to
live in the world for ourselves and to take what we want regardless of who we hurt. God opens our eyes to truth as
He moves us along the paths that are geared to bring us to a new light of understanding. With each moment of
wisdom we grow spiritually and we understand that to give to others is more important than what we receive.

Our world is full of opposites, war and peace; death and life; good health and chronic illness; poor and rich;
justice and corrupt practices, rob us of our freedom; and of course good and bad. In order to discern the
differences we must change as we go through the journey of life and follow God's plan. In His timing there will be a
big reveal especially designed to teach us a spiritual value we would not have understood except by going through
the trial.

Ephesians 1: 18-22, "I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope
to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his
power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength which he used when
he raised Christ from death and seated him at his right side in the heavenly world. Christ rules there above all
heavenly rulers, authorities, powers, and lords; he has a title superior to all titles of authority in this world and in the
next. God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him to the church as supreme Lord over all things."

Understanding that we are planned and that our life has a spiritual purpose can help us to fight for God's will for
our lives. We must read our Bibles. We must pray at all times for Jesus to help us. More importantly, we must
apply God principles of love to our everyday lives.

1 John 3: 10, "Here is the clear difference between God's children and the Devil's children: anyone who does
not do what is right or does not love his brother is not God's child."

I was saved from drowning as a child because God had a plan. Each day as I matured and grew, I came to a new
light of understanding because I allowed God principles to lead me through life. I made myself do what was right
whether I liked it or not! I listened to the Holy Spirit, prayed and applied the Bible's teachings.

1 John 2: 28&29, "Yes, my children, remain in union with him, so that when he appears we may be full of
courage and need not hide in shame from him on the Day he comes. You know that Christ is righteous; you should
know, then, that everyone who does what is right is God's child."

Our world has a beginning and an end. We must focus on doing what is right so when we face our judgment day

we can have confidence when we see God that we have done everything He planned for us to do.

Destiny - Does It Exist?


How wonderful! I will get rich and can stop working!
Divination, unfortunately, is not that simple...
But then, what is the use of reading the cards?
After all, is it true or not what they tell?

We do not have the possibility to escape being responsible for ourselves. Sad, but true.
The question above cited, formulated in a nobler way, would be the question until which point life in general follows an authoritarian and autonomous mechanism, which is fatalistic of the point of view of the individuals. Depending on that explanation or vision of our existence, there are subsequently different concepts in relation to what we call future.

There are the two extremes of idealism or materialism, and in between there are hundreds of beliefs, philosophies, theories and also desires. The idealism claims conscience as a base of the existence, of the being. The materialism defines the conscience as an effect of the being.
There is no right or wrong in that, everything is to be proven.

I personally think that life does not follow any theory of any human being, but that all theories explain some parts and aspects of the world, but never all of it. I believe that to understand life we in fact will have to die. Anyway, while that is not the case, we will only have some fascinating mosaic pieces, multicoloured and in part logical to play with and to construct whatever we consider able to make our existence more understandable and also easier.

So, to come back to the subject of the fatalistic future or not, I decided to believe the following:
The difference between the past, the present and the future is only in our perspective.
The past from our point of view seems to be static, fixed and immovable.

The present is a great mystery that moves at highest speed and that gets more mysterious the more we try to understand it.

The future then is the great vacuum, the all-that-could-be and the what-never-will-be.
Future is the unknown potential of our lives, evolving itself constantly. Being that, it is a dynamic form, in contrast of the past.

The central question then would be of what, which sources, the evolution of the future nourishes itself. I think that there are three sources that make the great river of future:

1. Our present acts, independent and individual, that we decide to make consciously.
2. Our personal Karma.
3. Our collective Karma of which we are only a small part.
(I leave aside the planetary and cosmic Karma, that would be the fourth and fifth source)

The third source is absolutely beyond our reach and the more we would try, we would never achieve to change its route or its quality. The power of this source in fact is fatalistic for us.
The second source of personal Karma being much stronger than us, even though sometimes we manage to influence it. Difficult, but possible.

The first one then, is the one that interests more, because this we can really influence.
It is possible to see in the cards the actual force that is behind certain future effects or currents.
The cards can tell us how and where our present will turn into future.

So very rarely the forces in our life are ones of the collective Karma. (If this is the case then we, as card readers, will have to be psychologists in the way of telling the client, in the case of a disagreeable future, of course.)

Normally the majority of the information concerning the future which we obtain through the cards is a mixture of personal Karma and the effects of the present acts. This is not fatalistic.
Trends, more or less strong, are shown, but mostly they are not inevitable. Almost always we can (shall I say we could?) improve or make worse what it is coming.

What we see normally in the cards is what will come to existence if we continue being what and how we are. With this, wanting to change our future, we will have to change ourselves.
Tarot cards do not live our life. Simply they can help us to live it, give advice, hints, suggestions, warnings or affirmation; indeed nothing less or more than a very good friend can do, who knows us better than we ourselves do.

We have with the cards an open window to the panorama of our lives.
Who wants to stay seated can do that, but he will never know what it is like to be the main actor in his own film. Tarot, far of being the script of our life, is much more the explanation of its symbols and meanings.

And we can be good or bad actors.

But even the worst actor gets more than the spectator.

Luck and Destiny

Man must become God himself and he must try to write down his own luck and destiny and this work should not be left to God because God may write our luck and destiny or he may ignore our prayer and may not write our luck and destiny. We have seen people in this world who had been working hard and ultimately they could attain success and they could become great people and there are people who had been idling away their life and remained where they were or they have gone down. We must know that God created us all and when God is the creator, He would not create a bad thing or an inferior person. god created us all and all have been given qualities which are not available in others.

Therefore, it is the duty of each one of us to have an examination of oneself and then he must try to find out the purpose for which he had been established on this world and once this purpose and goal is known to a man, there are chances that the man shall try to achieve those goals and shall be busy in finding out ways and means through he would be able to achieve those goals. And the people who work on their projects never fail totally. They may not be able to achieve cent per cent success, but they shall be achieving at least 40 per cent success and in most of the examination, the people who get 40 per cent marks are declared successful and this marks system must be accepted in all walks of life.

We must note that if we are a failure, we shall turn poor and once we turn poor, we shall not be able to rise and with this we shall be condemning our future generations to poverty because we shall not be able to give due education, training and adjustment to our children and they shall remain poor and their mistakes shall be available to the coming generations. Therefore., you must work hard and must see that you are not poor and you must see that you have got no right to turn the future generations poor. Therefore, one should nto wait when God shall listen to his prayers and shall turn him rich, one should try himself and one should try to write his own luck an destiny with his own hard work and if he has got such a notion in his mind, there are chances that he shall be successful. And therefore, from today, we shall not pray before God for writing our luck, but we shall search our own potentials and we shall write down our luck and destiny because it is in our own hand and God may give us something or may ignore our prayers

(ArticlesBase SC #578556)